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Pink Eye Treatment

If you or your child has pink eye, you may be tempted to rush to the doctor right away. But you might not have to.

Allergies, viruses, and bacteria can cause pink eye, also called conjunctivitis. It makes one or both of your eyes red and itchy. The affected eye will drain a lot or have a white or yellowish discharge. 

Does pink eye go away on its own?

Sometimes the symptoms of pink eye go away without medical treatment. You can use home remedies to feel better in the meantime.

How long does pink eye last?

The symptoms of pink eye may last a week or 10 days, maybe longer. 

The symptoms of pink eye can be bothersome, but many times they don't require prescription medicine. You can ease your symptoms with over-the-counter or home remedies. (Photo credit: iStock/Getty Images)

There are some simple steps you can take to feel better, no matter what's causing your pink eye.

  • Use a compress. Soak a lint-free cloth in cool water. Wring it out and press it gently to your closed eyelids. Don't press hard, as you don't want to hurt your eyes. If you have pink eye in only one eye, keep the compress away from the healthy one, or it could get infected, too. Use warm water if that feels better. But don't make it too hot, which could make your pink eye worse or burn your eyelids. Use a compress for a few minutes at a time, several times a day. Make sure no one else uses the cloth.
  • Use eye drops. Over-the-counter drops can help with itching. Look for "lubricating" drops or "artificial tears." Stay away from ones that treat "red eyes." Keeping your drops in the refrigerator may make them feel even better.
  • Skip your contacts. If you wear contact lenses, go without them until your pink eye clears up.  You may need to replace your lenses and case afterward. Bacteria or viruses may be living there, and you can get infected again.
  • Stop using eye makeup. Avoid using eye makeup while you have pink eye. It may not have caused your infection, but eye makeup can help spread it to your healthy eye. Throw away and replace all eye makeup and applicators that you used before your infection.
  • Over-the-counter pink eye medication

    You may be able to use an over-the-counter medicine like artificial tears or antihistamines to treat your pink eye. It depends on what's causing the infection. Here's how OTC pink eye medications work:

  • Antihistamines. Histamines are chemicals released by your immune system that can cause allergy symptoms. Antihistamines block these chemicals.
  • Mast cell stabilizers. These drugs block the release of histamines and ease itching.
  • Antibiotic eye drops for conjunctivitis

    If you have a serious infection, your doctor could prescribe antibiotic eye drops or steroids.

  • Topical corticosteroids. You'll use this medicine for a couple of weeks to lower eye inflammation. It can have side effects such as blurred vision, more pressure in the eye, and cataracts.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. These NSAIDs come in the form of eye drops and lower inflammation, redness, and itching. You'll need to use them several times a day. You may have a burning feeling, but it should get better as you continue to use the drops.
  • Pink eye caused by a virus might start in one eye and spread to the other. It will usually go away on its own in a week or two. Your doctor can give you medication to treat more serious viruses like herpes simplex or varicella zoster.

    You'll probably have more mucus or pus if bacteria cause your pink eye. Your doctor can prescribe antibiotics, usually eye drops. Mild cases may get better on their own in a few days.

    If mucus is making your eyelids stick together, use a warm washcloth to loosen them.

    Pink eye caused by an allergy usually gets better after you limit contact with the allergen. Your doctor can give you tests to identify the problem.

    Allergic pink eye isn't contagious. You can go to work or school without worrying about giving it to someone else.

    Wash clothes and pillowcases often. It might also help to shower or bathe before bed.

    Ask your doctor about medicines that might help. They can recommend over-the-counter or prescription drugs including:

  • Allergy medications like antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers
  • Anti-inflammatories such as decongestants or steroids
  • If you've had a chemical injury, it's important to first flush your eye with lots of water, then see a doctor. They'll probably suggest you continue to flush your eye with saline and may prescribe topical steroids.

    Pink eye caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI) doesn't happen very often, but it can be serious. A virus or bacteria also causes this type of pink eye, so you'll treat it the same way, with antibiotics or antiviral medicines. 

    If you have an STI when you're pregnant, your newborn can get pink eye during delivery, which may cause vision loss. Most hospitals in the U.S. Give newborns an antibiotic eye ointment to help avoid infection.

    Kids can have a tough time using eye drops multiple times a day. If that's the case with your child, talk to your doctor about antibiotic ointment. You'll apply it in a thin layer at the point where your child's eyelids meet. It will then dissolve into their eye.

    Red or swollen eyes could also be caused by a stye -- which often looks like a pimple or red area on your eyelid -- or some other kind of inflammation.

    It also could be a different type of allergic reaction. If your eye isn't better after you try home remedies for a few days, call your doctor.

    You also should check with your doctor if you have:

    If pink eye has invaded your home, take steps to help keep it from spreading to everyone else. The two most important things for everyone in your household to remember are:

  • Wash your hands often.
  • Try not to touch your eyes.
  • It's also helpful to change towels and pillowcases often and wash them in hot water. Never share towels or pillows with someone who has pink eye.

    Allergies, viruses, or bacteria can cause pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, resulting in red, itchy eyes with discharge. You can often manage treatment at home with simple remedies like using cool compresses or lubricating eye drops. While viral pink eye typically gets better on its own, while bacterial cases may need antibiotics. 

    If your symptoms continue or get worse, especially with other symptoms like fever or vision changes, see a doctor. To avoid pink eye, wash your hands, avoid touching your eyes, and don't share towels or pillows with people who have the infection.

    CDC Says These Eye Drops Are Linked To A Serious Bacterial Infection

    CDC: Eye Drops Are Linked to Bacterial InfectionJrgen Hopf / EyeEm - Getty Images

  • CDC is asking people to stop using EzriCare Artificial Tears.

  • The eye drops have been linked to a serious bacterial infection, and Global Pharma Healthcare is issuing a voluntary recall.

  • At least three people have suffered permanent vision loss, and one person has died.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning people to steer clear of a particular type of eye drops after the product has been linked to a specific bacterial infection. One person has died and at least three others have permanent vision loss after using EzriCare Artificial Tears, the CDC says in a notice.

    The CDC says it is investigating a "multistate cluster" of infections in 55 patients across at least 11 states. Most of the patients had used artificial tears, and the most common type they used was EzriCare Artificial Tears.

    People have had serious complications from using these eye drops, including a bloodstream infection that lead to death, the CDC says. Testing shows that the bacteria that cause these infections also appear to be resistant to antibiotics like carbapenem, ceftazidime, and cefepime, the CDC says.

    As of now, the CDC says that it "recommends that clinicians and patients immediately discontinue the use of EzriCare Artificial Tears" until its investigation is over.

    Global Pharma Healthcare is voluntarily recalling all lots within expiry of their Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops, distributed by /EzriCare, LLC- and Delsam Pharma to the consumer level, due to possible contamination.

    The idea of getting a serious bacterial infection from eye drops is terrifying. Here's what you need to know.

    How can bacteria get into eye drops?

    It's important to first go over what eye drops are. Eye drops typically have saline has a base ingredient and they're generally divided into two camps: those with preservatives and those without, says Mina Massaro-Giordano, M.D., co-director of the Penn Dry Eye & Ocular Surface Center and a professor of clinical ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania. "Eye drops with preservatives should prevent bacterial growth," she says. "But the preservative-free ones are used for one day and thrown out, so there's not really time for bacterial growth."

    This particular cluster of infections is linked to Verona Integron-mediated Metallo-β-lactamase (VIM) and Guiana-Extended Spectrum-β-Lactamase (GES)-producing carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (VIM-GES-CRPA), aka VIM-CRPA. "This is a fairly aggressive bacteria and it being resistant to several types of antibiotics is even more dangerous," says Benjamin Bert, M.D., an ophthalmologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, Calif.

    "Something like this happening on a mass scale is very, very rare," Dr. Bert says. "Most eye drops are prepared in sterile facilities, so the drops are all completely sterile."

    There are two main ways bacteria could get into eye drops, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says. One is during the manufacturing process itself, she says. If the drops have no preservatives or the bacteria is resistant to the preservatives, bacteria could grow, she explains. This is the particularly dangerous, because the bacteria has more time to proliferate before it reaches your eyes, Dr. Bert says.

    It's also possible for a user to contaminate eye drops with bacteria that naturally lives around the eye, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says. "If you're using a tube, stick it around your eye and there are no preservatives in the drops, you could infect the tube or packet," she says. The bacteria could then grow inside the container and end up in your eye at a high dose if you re-use the packet—a scenario Dr. Massaro-Giordano says is more likely to happen with preservative-free drops, which are typically designed to be one-time use. Meaning, you shouldn't re-use a vial once you've opened and used it once.

    "Widespread contamination is not very common," says Jamie Alan, Ph.D., Pharm.D., associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University. "A small amount of contamination—like touching the tip of the dropper bottle—probably happens often."

    In general, "preservative-free eye drops may be more prone to problems like this because they do not contain preservatives," says Peter Hersh, M.D., a clinical faculty member in the Department Of Ophthalmology & Visual Science at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

    "In this case, [contamination] was likely from manufacturing, since so many bottles were contaminated," says Vivian Shibayama, O.D., an optometrist with UCLA Health. However, details of what, exactly, happened are scarce.

    EzriCare didn't respond to Prevention's request for comment by deadline.

    Is there any way to know if your eye drops are contaminated?

    Not really. Many eye drops come in containers that aren't clear, so it's difficult to see what the liquid inside looks like before you use it, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says. "However, if you look at the fluid and it looks slightly cloudy when it was previously clear, it may be an indication" of contamination, she says. Another potential sign, per Dr. Hersh: The dropper nozzle could have discoloration or build-up.

    But some individual use packets are slightly cloudy to begin with, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says, making it "almost impossible" to tell by looking at eye drops if they're contaminated.

    Signs of a bacterial eye infection

    It can be difficult to tell a bacterial eye infection from infections caused by other things, like viruses and fungi, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says. In general, though, these are the main signs of an eye infection, per Medline Plus:

  • Redness

  • Itching

  • Swelling

  • Discharge

  • Pain

  • Problems with vision

  • Bacterial infections are usually more rare than viral infections, but they may have more severe symptoms, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says. "The eye will be a lot more red and the patient may feel more discomfort," she says. "There also may be a lot of mucousy discharge."

    When to see a doctor for a bacterial eye infection

    If you suspect you have a bacterial eye infection, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says it's important to see your doctor ASAP. "If your eye turns red and crusty, and it's not getting better after a day or two, get in to see someone," she says.

    Doctors stress that it's not common to get a bacterial eye infection from eye drops, though. "It's exceedingly rare," Dr. Massaro-Giordano says. However, if you want to be safe, Dr. Hersh recommends tossing single-use vials after one use and storing your medications in a clean area. Also, "avoid touching the tip of the medication bottle" so that you don't accidentally contaminate it, he says.

    If you're given the choice between having single-use preservative-free drops and a bottled version, it's important to opt for the single-use variety, Dr. Shibayama says. "Preservative-free tears in single vials are safer than preservative-free tears in a bottle," she says, noting that bacteria can build up in bottles over time.

    Another tip, per Dr. Bert: Toss your eye drop bottles that aren't single use within a month after opening them, even if they haven't expired yet. "Once it's exposed to air, it's possible for bacteria to get in and contaminate it," he says.

    And, if you develop symptom of an eye infection, see your doctor quickly. Bacterial infections in particular can get worse if they're left alone, so proper, speedy treatment is important, Dr. Massaro-Giordano says.

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    Remedies For Kitten Eye Infections

    Cats and kittens can get an eye infection known as conjunctivitis. In people, this condition is commonly known as pink eye and has a variety of causes.

    In cats, it is often caused by viruses like feline viral rhinotracheitis—a herpes virus that only cats get. Other causes include:

  • Bacteria
  • Corneal irritation due to breed characteristics
  • Allergies
  • Fungi
  • Eye tumors
  • Even though the primary infections are often viral, cats sometimes get secondary bacterial infections that also require treatment.

    Symptoms of a kitten eye infection include:

  • Red or pink eyes
  • Swollen eyes
  • Weepy, crusty, or teary eyes
  • Blinking, winking, or squinting
  • Closing both eyes or one eye more than usual
  • Rubbing eyes
  • Eating less food, or acting lethargic
  • Minor viral cat eye infections may not need any treatment at all, but there are things you can do to make your cat more comfortable. More severe eye infections may require a visit to the vet for evaluation or antibiotics.

    Remedies and Treatments for Kitten Eye Infections

    Lysine Supplements

    Lysine is an essential amino acid — an organic compound that helps to form proteins — that can help both cats and humans who have herpes viruses to avoid outbreaks and heal from them faster. Use lysine supplements as a treatment for outbreak prevention and outbreak management in cats. 

    Lysine is available for cats in the following forms:

  • Oral gel
  • Cat treats
  • Powder
  • Liquid tincture
  • At-Home Eye Exams to Identify Problems

    Looking at your cat's eyes regularly can help you identify problems before they get moderate or severe. To give your cat an exam, look at their face in a brightly lit room. Roll down your cat's eyelid with your fingers. Make sure the lining is pink and healthy-looking. It should not be swollen. A red or white color is a sign of a problem.

    Make sure the eyeballs themselves look healthy. Look for any murkiness or cloudiness in the eyeball, which could be a sign of infection. Make sure your cat's pupils are equal sizes and the area right around the eyeball itself is white.

    Clean Your Cat's Eyes

    Clean any discharge from your cat's eyes. Use a cotton ball dipped in water to gently wipe the corners of the eyes. Use a different cotton ball for each eye. 

    If your cat has long hairs that could poke their eyes, cut the hairs to help prevent scratches that could lead to infections. It's always safest to ask a professional to do this so you don't injure the eye.

    Continued When to See a Doctor

    Minor kitten eye infections due to herpes may clear up on their own, without treatment. However, if you're not sure what may be wrong with your cat, it's always a good idea to take them to the vet, especially when they have eye problems. When eye problems go untreated, they can potentially lead to vision problems or even blindness.

    The veterinarian will give your cat an exam and prescribe the appropriate antibiotic or steroid treatment, depending on the diagnosis. Your doctor may also show you how to administer the medication so you can do it at home.

    If your cat has the herpes virus, they will probably get another eye infection in the future. However, if it was only a bacterial infection, it should not reoccur. Your cat's eye infection should start to get better after a few days of treatment. If it does not, let your vet know, but do not stop the treatment until your vet tells you to. 

    WebMD Medical Reference



    American Journal of Veterinary Research: "Effect of oral administration of L-lysine on conjunctivitis caused by feline herpesvirus in cats."

    American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: "Cat Grooming Tips."

    Mayo Clinic: "Pink eye (conjunctivitis)."

    Mount Sinai: "Lysine."

    People's Dispensary for Sick Animals: "Conjunctivitis in cats."

    U.S. National Library of Medicine: "Amino acids."

    Veterinary Centers of America: "Conjunctivitis in Cats."

    © 2022 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.


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